Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Starting Over in Cyberspace

Tonight I am working at 9 and I hope . I'm slowly getting moved into my new gmail account. It's really exciting for me since I haven't switched e-mails since my freshmen year of highschool. My first e-mail address was Yoda496@Juno.com. That one has been retired for several years now. After we got rid of Juno, I switched to Yahoo. then it was Yoda496@yahoo.com. and I had one of the smallest passwords imaginable. It's a wonder that I didn't get hacked and had to get a new one all that much sooner. Unfortunately time is on the slim side for this post, so I will have to cut it short to get ready for work. I will try posting with my phone tonight. Oh the discoveries.

Quick lil update before I publish and post this......just caught myself trying to check out Gibbs on NCIS. Totally not like my but DAMN, he is pretty handsome. :S *blush*

Monday, February 27, 2012

Welcome to my Life

     I switched my e-mail client to google's G-mail. I figured that if Yahoo was gonna make me play Russian Roulette every time I try to access my mail, it was time to go with something different. As with new things, I spent a long time, after getting the account set up and setting up to import my e-mail from the old to my new, to check out everything that came with it. Google has come a long way. Not only does it have the search engine, it also has Google+ profiles, Access to Blogger, and it connects to my You tube. I'm excited I switched and I can't wait until I am flowing through all it's features with ease.
     So that was a big part of yesterday and today. I am back to work tonight. I work overnights out at a fast food restaurant off of the interstate. My shifts usually last ten hours a night. Right now we are heading into spring and a busier time period. I Can't believe I'm going on two years there. If I am still there after my two year anniversary date, that will be a new milestone for me. I have yet to stay at a job for a full two years. I've come really close, leaving only a few weeks prior to my two year anniversary. So that will be a big thing for me.
   Anyway, I will post more in the upcoming future, there is a lot I want to say and not enough time for me to put it all in this post. Until next post. ~ Dave