4So, my last post was back in July of 2013 and was more of a rant than an information post about my life. Not to worry, this post won't follow suit. Since this is now August of 2016, it is definitely in need of an update as to all the goings on. (That is if I can remember everything. Ha ha ha) In previous posts I had mentioned my lack of a good memory.
My last post was about a one night affair back in 2012. Since then, work started to go down hill. From an issue of discrimination against me and whistle blowers retaliation when I tried to mention something about it to management. At the turn of the year, I moved out of my folks house and in with friends. A month later, I left my job at the travel plaza as things got progressively worse and working only two nights a week for less than 3 or 4 hours a shift. I was without work for a few months but eventually started working again at Best Buy. It was/is one of the best jobs I have ever had. I use was/is because I was a seasonal employee that was let go after the holiday and was eventually re-hired after an opening appeared.
When it comes to love, I was in no short supply. I dated a man named Zach who was very musical and sweet. We had two times in which we had been together over the course of the year before I started working at Best Buy, but ultimately decided we enjoyed each other more so as friends than as lovers. A mutual separation that worked well for both of us.
During pride of 2013, I met a lovely couple of Becky and Aaron. I had been friends with Becky for a long time on facebook, but never met until then. We made plans and they swept me away for a lovely weekend.
After starting work at Best Buy (as seasonal) and with no current relationship, I started dating a co-worker. This is also a first for me. I've never dated a co-worker before. The closest to dating a co-worker was with Eric, however we were in different stores in different towns. Mark (Best Buy co-worker) worked with me at the same location, we saw each other almost every day, and I was a little nervous about dating at first but something told me it would be ok.
November 5th, 2013 we made it official that we would be exclusive. December, 21st I moved in with him and a few Best buy co-workers. That would get interesting as some of the other Best Buy associates that live there would move out to be replaced with some rather sketchy folks. a couple of them were okay, but the house once nicknamed "the Best Buy house" soon became the "party house" including a lot of drug use by the other tenants (mostly Marijuana).
January 18th, 2014 I would be my last day at Best Buy as a seasonal employee. I was put on the chopping block for termination by corporate over a lady who worked, and went to school to work in the hospital, full time. The GM tried everything he could to reverse the termination, however corporate had it's way. At the same time, Mark was leaving for a week to go to Alabama to attend his great grandfather's funeral. I was devastated and lost knowing that i was once again jobless, and he wasn't going to be around if i needed to talk. I started getting depressed and every now and then, Mandi one of our Best Buy co-workers and roommates would check on me to make sure I was ok.
Mark would eventually return and I started getting back into Theater. I was in a dinner theater show with my Cousin at the Elks Lodge. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it, plus made a few friends and got invited to do their Rock and Roll show where I debuted Danessa Jade to an unsuspecting Gardiner Audience to rave review and a few stunned folks who just loved my performances. Oh, boy! was I thrilled.
August of 2014, Mark asked me to marry him and I said yes. Not long after, I would be re-hired as part-time for Best Buy. Things began to look up.
As stated above, people would leave our apartment only to be replaced by sketchier people. Even a once great friendship between Mark and one of our roommates would start to fade away, his eyes would open and see what I was already seeing. His friend, our roommate, and former co-worker was slowly going down a path that neither of us liked, but we could do nothing about it. We looked for different apartments and eventually found one in Vassalboro, about 30 minutes from work.
November 15th, 2014 we would move in and leave the Best Buy house void of any Best Buy associates. We would later discover that our previous apartment, the Best Buy house, would be searched for drugs by police, and all tenants in the apartment would be evicted in January 2015. we made it out only a couple months prior by sheer dumb luck.
We would have our own issues with the new apartment as well, but not of that scale. Early December we would have a flood (basement apartment) that we have us staying at Mark's Grandparents for about a week or two for them to clean and fix the damage. After the flood, the apartment was never the same. an unnoticed problem continued to rear it's head, leaking from the pipes above us that would cause the ceiling to leak, scary at first but now, since "we can't locate where it's coming from" is all we got from the maintenance team of the property managers, we are almost used to it's occurance. heavy rain also seeps in from somewhere on the outer wall in our kitchen/bathroom area causing the kitchen to be flooded during heavybrain storms. The maintenance team has no ears to listen to issues about what's going on. "We can't find where it's coming from" is a common theme of excuses that we are given. We chose to live with it because no matter how many times we report the issues we are given nothing but excuses. I will say, the financial team of the property management company has been spectacular, their major flaw is their Maintenance team, which the head maintenence person is lazy and hires lazy employees. This is also the apartment from which I am writing this post, still here after almost 2 years, but not for long, we are looking to move in the near future.
The apartment issues has about as much to do with us moving as it does that the location of where we are is a bit further out of town than I really wanted to be. Especially, where I wasn't driving and no longer had a car. Stores for household needs were walking distance away when living at Best Buy house since it was one street over from the commercial side of town. Here, you have to drive at least 10 or 15 minutes before you even get to the closest gas station. That would be at least an hour or two or more walking for me. After quite a few leaks and kitchen floods, I broke down. I was not happy here and made it known about all I was unhappy about, the maintence crew, the flooding and leaking, the fact that we are so far away from everything including work; I was an unhappy diva. A month later Mark had a similar breakdown and listed almost everything I had mentioned, mostly the apartment water issues, and I looked at him and simply stated "welcome to my perspective".
Don't get me wrong, I love the apartment but I hate the issues and the location. it's unfortunate that I can't just uproot this section and take it with us. Ha ha ha. I'm sure the problems would also follow us as well. It has potential as long as the right Maintenence crew, Property Management company, and owner work together to fix. I can tell you, that it needs a lot of work and it would take moving the tennants in our apartment as well as the ones above us to be out of an apartment for some time to find and fix all the issues. I honestly don't forsee that happening, but I could be wrong. I hope for the absolute best all around though.
Well, I think I have gotten this blog up to speed and I know this has been lengthy post read as well. I just couldn't give up on this blog. It was a passion project for a while, and I am bad at keeping up to date on a lot of things. I want to start writing again and what a better way to do so than to revist old works of progress such as this. Now my promise: I promise that I shall always return to this diary, even after 2 or 3 years, like in this case, I will still return and post something.
Until next post, hopefully sooner than 3 years from now,
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