On a whim I wrote down the names of all the Ex-Boyfriends I have, or at least the ones that I remember. I didn't count the ones that were out of state, lasted only a week or two, or didn't have a major impact in my life. I had begun wondering, as I looked over the list, "If I had their mailing address, what would I write to them?"
I figured that if I were to write, even if the letters didn't go anywhere, it would be a good project to help me deal with loss and closure, since there are one or two that I really didn't get that from. So began my spontanious pet project I dubbed "What I Would Say To You Now."
I started with my very first ever Boyfriend and continued to write to each one as if I were going to either mail it or hand it to them. My next few posts will be these letters. I Shall include background story in the end. I hope that if you read them, you will not think less of me or them. I decided not to withhold or change their names to mask their identity because I feel that by doing so I am saying that I am ashamed of being in a relationship with them or helping them cover up ever dating me. Also, If these letter get around, and/or possibly to the person they are about, I only wrote them to clear my conscience and get thoughts off my chest that I had always wondered about or wanted to say.
My side note to these Ex's (should they see it): If you find my letter to you unfavorable and feel as though I painted a very different picture of you, tough. These letters are from my perspective and I am telling it as I saw it. You may have your own opinion, and that is all perfectly well and good, but I too, have my own perspective. You may not like what you read, but to read it is/was your choice. I did not write these to deface any of you. If you feel the need to talk to me about what was written, you may certainly do so. If that conversation involves me being belittled for any reason whatsoever, I will cease communication and, if need be, take further action but only if necessary. I am not above talking over these letters with any of you, after all, you all have major parts in my life story. If you feel that I should remove your letter, once again I say tough. This is MY blog, MY opinions and thoughts, and MY choice. If you don't like it, don't read it. For the most part, you don't have much to worry about because the only people who really view the contents of my blog are close friends and, I'm certain, they have their own opinions of you as well.
Thank you for viewing my blog and I hope you find these letters insightful and inspirational. ~Dave
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